
I Wont Ever Lie Again Girl

Raising a picayune girl is hard. You have all these decisions to make: schools to choose, what to feed them, how to make sure they don't abound upward half as weird as you did. And of form, at some point you lot'll have to tell her about the birds and the bees. But all that sex activity stuff can wait until afterward, right?

Well, around age half dozen, if your nearest section shop is to be believed. In stores and catalogues for kids you tin find items similar ...

Tesco Peek-a-Boo Stripper Pole

pee kabo paeDo: peekoloo

This is one of those pictures you lot come across floating around the Internet, and y'all always just assume it's either 1) a photoshop or 2) some handmade project from a feminist making some heavy-handed statement nigh the exploitation of young girls. "Just imagine if they sold toy stripper poles!" Just, the toy is very existent and was indeed sold in the toy department.

In example yous were thinking the pole dancing kit was intended for some kind of nonstripper (poles brand for proficient practice, right?), then yous didn't detect it comes with a garter and play money to stuff into it.



Good old-fashioned do!

The product was sold in a chain called Tesco, which is similar the Walmart of Bang-up Britian, who denied that this was marketed to children and has since relegated it to the exercise department. That's non only well-nigh every bit transparent every bit selling a pole dancing kit in the children'due south toy department -- it's also a hilariously blatant lie. Equally advertised on the website before existence forced to accept it down, the Peek-a-Boo Pole Dancing Kit was "suitable for participants of 11 years old and upwards."

Oh, bonus fun fact for those of you whose eyeballs are notwithstanding intact: The product description on the box invites purchasers to "unleash the sex kitten within."


A Tesco burns down from, we assume, combustible shame.

Bratz Hooker Babies

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

Permit'due south pretend you're shopping for your ix-year-sometime girl. You take hold of the typical stuff little girls like -- a unicorn backpack, a pretty psychedelic dolphin trapper keeper (that's what little girls are ownership these days, correct?). And now, to the toy section. There you see the Bratz dolls:

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

Via Amazon

Huh. Those are definitely hot pants and high heel leather articulatio genus boots there. But, hey, millions of girls were raised on Barbie, with her gigantic inhuman boobs and they turned out fine, correct?

Await, are those ophidian skin pants?


Via Amazon

We like how you can selection betwixt the stiletto heel shoes and the stiletto heel boots. Y'all know, for different occasions.

Well, OK, and then maybe your kid's not old enough yet for dolls meant for the "xvi- to 20-year-quondam girls who still play with dolls" demographic. And to exist fair, while having these dolls as her role models might brand back-to-school clothes shopping for your daughter a boxing, the dolls are themselves adults. It's non like they're telling your little girl that at her age she needs to dress like she's in the background of a rap video.

At present, run across Bratz "Twiins" Roxxi and Phoebi:

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids


That'south ... Jesus, can nosotros get to jail for having a picture of an infant in a leather jacket and black panties on the site? And are we wrong to think that 100 percent of the people in the earth named "Roxxi" who habiliment short, pink fur coats are hookers? We'd think nosotros were misinterpreting what we're looking at there, but we actually can't find a photo of these dolls non dressed skankily:

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids


But, still, it's not similar they're specifically selling button-upward bras and thongs to your child ...

Abercrombie & Fitch Push button Up Bra For 7-Year-Olds

ashley push UD triangle $24.50 82%mylon/18% spande. clasaie triangle to. striped pattern, padded. pretty detailed straps., classic fit imported shown


We all know that building existent confidence and cocky-esteem is mayhap the almost of import thing you tin do for your child. There are lots of means to help them along with this: hugs, rigorous readings of Judy Blume and the occasional bar fight with your kid'southward enemies' fathers, the trophies of which you get out under your kid's pillow to find the next morn.

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

"Exist right back. Daddy'southward gonna go become a 12-pack of confidence."

But take a stroll through Abercrombie and Fitch and you'll find that there is a market for parents who think that the all-time way to boost the self-esteem of your start-grader is via a bikini peak that will enhance her bustline.

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids


Since A&F came under fire for selling the "push button-upwards" bikini tops to little girls (and yeah, the word "push-upwardly" was on the description), they caved and took them off the shelves and swore to never endeavor to showcase your 7-year-onetime daughter'due south boobs ever again. Just kidding! First, they simply changed the proper noun of it from "push button-upwardly" to "padded." So they relented and agreed to merely market the "padded" tops to 12-twelvemonth-old girls. Oh, but they made sure they even so fit x-year-olds.

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

"Love, we demand to have a talk about your inadequate, disappointing breasts."

Abercrombie & Fitch Thongs for Trivial Girls

1D crowos Finat 1 candy


OK, Abercrombie is conspicuously merely fucking with us at this indicate.

Non only is the above thong sold in the goddamn kid's section where y'all'd expect to observe the Spongebob Underoos, but the tiny thong contains the words "Heart Processed" and "Wink, Wink." This is made to fit girls as young as 7.


Not that they're trying to sexualize your child, or get free publicity by drawing web traffic from pedophiles (wink, flash).

Tramp Stamps for Your Toddlers

1200 12002


Oh, hey, y'all know what would be great for drowning out all those sudden, uneasy questions most why thongs are being marketed to extremely underage girls? A visit to the beautiful piddling kiddie vending machines adjacent to the door on the mad nuance out of the mall! Those machines are just filled with innocent little things you can buy your child, similar colorful gumballs, unicorn stickers and those gummy, viscid hands that eventually wind up covered in lint.

Likewise? Simulated lower back "tramp stamp" tattoos.

Un LOWER BAb antt tattoos S M ONTEN Uor a1 25 Se

Or, to put information technology similar Vince Vaughn's character in The Hymeneals Crashers, the "tattoo on the lower back. Might as well be a balderdash's eye." Hey, Vince, we'd similar you to practise that line for united states of america in forepart of our tattooed 5-year-old!

Playboy Trade for Kids

playbgy Playboy laly

Via Daily Mail

From the aforementioned people who give you porn from behind gas station counters and reality shows most swinger couples, comes school supplies all emblazoned with the Playboy logo. Pencils, pencil cases, folders, band binders ... really everything she'll need to organize a course school educational activity while letting the boys know she'south the cool girl in course.

DRESSES Playbom may is PORN C Don't uThis stiil C4po


And merely to be clear, that is school stationary aimed at underage girls, and ol' Hef dares you lot to look at all the fucks he'due south not giving. From his own mouth, "I don't intendance if a babe holds up a Playboy bunny rattle."

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids


This many fucks. Await at them all.

Oh, how sometimes you long for the days of your youth, when you'd apparel as Dracula and Frankenstein and that four-year stretch where you were a princess every trick or treat dark. Times accept changed. Every word in this sentence links to a different "sexy" costume aimed at children.

While every unmarried one of these costumes have "kid" in the description, yous'll run across teenagers modeling a few of them. That's not some kind of mistake on their part, as there are subcategories of pre-teen and teen costumes with age-appropriate models in them. We would think that maybe seeing a 5- to 7-yr-one-time in some of these would be too much for the consumer, but and then you see costumes similar this:

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

Via Moon Costumes

... and realize that someone is buying them. "Mom, tin I be a sexy maid this year?" "Whatever, sweetie. Make sure you lot get 1 with fishnets."

Virgin Waxing

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

And then this was the point when you decide to trap your little girl indoors for a few years. Finally it's time to open up the padded muzzle doors, unlock that Hello Kitty leg chain and let your piffling girl embrace the globe for all its beauties and all its faults.

But now you'll feel similar a fool, because you lot were supposed to be taking her to go bikini waxes all this time. Now you've screwed up!

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

"No, I thought y'all were taking her to go waxed!"

Information technology's called "virgin waxing," and you lot're supposed to starting time at historic period 8. The theory is that if you lot offset having this done before puberty, it will remove all of the hair roots and the pubic hair will never grow in. Boom! Your girl volition have a permanent porn-star wax job at a fraction of the cost! That's groovy news because, equally an oft-passed around quote in the Brazilian waxing community says, "If you want to sell the business firm, you accept to mow the lawn."

8 Weirdly Sexual Products You Won't Believe Are for Kids

No, it's OK. We made the same face.

Wanda Stawczyk, owner of Wanda's European Skin Care in New York, is quoted as proverb, "In 10 years, waxing children will be like taking them to the dentist or putting braces on their teeth."

Sadly, Wanda, nosotros're pretty sure you're right.

Do you like reading? Practise you lot like charity? Do you like people who write for Croaky? Well this is a book for you! The Four Humors: A Collection will melt your face up.

For ways to ruin your children, bank check out 8 Insane Means Parents Are Politically Brainwashing Children and 15 Unintentionally Perverted Toys for Children.

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