
What Subject Terms Can You Use to Continue Your Search?

A database is an organized drove of online records in a standardized format that can exist stored and accessed in a diverseness of ways. The library itemize is one example of a database.

Each tape in the library catalog is composed of of import elements of information that describe a specific item. For example, the elements of data for a specific book championship would be contained in a single catalog record.

Each tape is equanimous of a set up of fields which comprise the individual elements of information. For example, each record in a library catalog includes fields such as: championship, author, and subject headings.

Database record

Catalog record

Case of a Detailed Tape from the Library Catalog

Akeyword search retrieves words or phrases from the important fields of the database records. In most databases a keyword search finds words in fields that accept descriptive content, such as author,article title,source title (book, periodical, magazine, or newspaper,bailiwick/descriptorterms, andabstract. In some databases, additional fields may exist included in the keyword search. And in other databases, a keyword search will search everything in every tape.  Some keyword search engines allow you to specify which field(s) are to be searched.

Akeyword search usuallyretrieves more items than a bailiwick search, but they may not all be relevant. The computer is looking for the exact word you typed, not for the meaning or context of the discussion.

For example, a search on AIDS will retrieve items on...

  • aids for the hearing impaired
  • school aids
  • AIDS (the disease)

A keyword search is the best method to use when:

  • You are outset your research
  • Y'all are searching for a new trend or concept
  • You are not sure of the correct field of study heading
  • The database does not have subject headings
  • Y'all are looking for specific factual information

A field of study search involves searching for subject headings/terms used in the library catalog or a library database. The library catalog and many library databases include subject headings/terms that are assigned to each record.

A list of subject headings, (likewise known as abailiwickthesaurus), ensures that all items near the aforementioned topic have uniform headings. Users tin then retrieve all of the items on the aforementioned topic using a subject field heading/term, even when there may be several other ways to state the concept. By using the field of study heading/term, you will retrieve every relevant detail for your topic. Searching with asubject heading/term retrieves items ABOUT that particular topic, and information technology is amore precise search than a keyword search.

For example, you may want to enquiry the topicpet therapy.

Possible ways (synonyms) to state this topic include:

  • pet therapy
  • brute therapy
  • dog therapy
  • therapy pets
  • therapy animals
  • therapy dogs
  • pet assisted therapy
  • animal assisted therapy
  • canis familiaris assisted therapy

When using the library catalog, to search forbooks, the subject field headings forpet therapy are:

  • animals - therapeutic use
  • pets - therapeutic use.

When using the library catalog or the Academic Search Complete database to search forarticles, the subject headings for pet therapy are:

  • creature-assisted therapy
  • canis familiaris-assisted therapy
  • pet therapy
  • therapy dogs

The subject heading for pet therapy may exist different in other library databases.

  • May search multiple fields including discipline, title, and abstract
  • May recall irrelevant items
  • Low precision, more results
  • Allows group related terms with the Boolean operator, OR, to expand search
  • Searches for subject or descriptor field only
  • Controlled vocabulary from thesaurus
  • High degree of relevancy
  • High precision, fewer results
  • Requires knowing, finding subject area headings

Specific search tips for using the library catalog:

  • Try a basic keyword search when :

    • you accept a narrow or circuitous topic.  In many cases this means entering ii or more search terms to describe your topic.

    • you have only fractional data virtually the writer or title.

    • there is no appropriate subject heading for your topic or you are unsure of the right subject heading
  • Try an author, subject, or title search when you know the exact writer, subject, or title
  • If y'all recollect too many results for your topic, try a subject search.

  • If your topic is too specific, you may retrieve few or no results.  Try to call up of a broader subject area or broader search terms to utilise for your topic (e.g., Specific topic: the impact of divorce on the academic performance of children.Try a broader search: children and divorce).

For additional information or aid on searching the library catalog, ask a Reynolds librarian.

General search strategy tips :

  • Apply theBoolean operators -AND, OR, Non in ALL CAPS to refine your search.  For instance:
    • zombies vampires – when using only the AND operator, just utilize a space between your words. The AND operator is assumed and you will recall records that include BOTH terms.
    • zombies OR vampires – you will retrieve records that comprise AT LEAST I of these words.
    • (zombies OR vampires) AND werewolves - apply parentheses to keep combination searches in order.  If you combine operators AND & OR, you will demand to also type the operator AND. Yous volition remember records that include at least one of the terms -zombies or vampires, as well as the term - werewolves.
    • zombies Non vampires y'all volition retrieve records that include the give-and-take, zombies and non the word, vampires.
  • "  " utilise quotation marks to detect an exact phrase – e.g., "world war z"
  • ?  enter a question mark to perform a single character wildcard search. For instance, typewom?n to search for records that contain at least one of these words - woman,women.
  • *  enter an asterisk at the end of a root discussion to pick up all forms of the root word including the plural or singular of a word. For example, type the root word teen* to search for records that incorporate at least one of these words – teen, teens, teenage, teenager, teenagers.

Other search tips:

  • Use only significant words, not common words, such asthe,of,an, andthat.
  • Avert using phrases such equally "people with diabetes", or whole sentences, such as "How do people purchase cigarettes if they are under 18?"

For additional data on general search strategies, r eview the Online Search Strategies folio.

Use the library catalog to search for items at all three Reynolds campus libraries including:

  • books (audio, online, & print)
  • videos (DVDs & online)
  • manufactures (online)
  1. To admission and brainstorm a search in the library itemize, go to the Reynolds Libraries homepage at:
  2. When the Reynolds Libraries homepage appears,type your keywords in the search box located nigh the top of the screen. Click on the Search button or press the <Enter> key to execute the search.
  3. The library catalog results will appear.
  4. To perform some other search while notwithstanding in the library catalog, enter your search terms in the search window near the top of the screen.

**You lot can likewise access the library catalog from nigh of our research guides located at

Refine Search Results

When the search results screen appears, you have the option to limit your results to type of resource including online articles, online and impress books, and multimedia (e.g., online videos and DVDs) as well as various other options.

To limit results to books and videos available (non checked out), click on the Books & Media from the Availability bill of fare on the right.

To limit results to books merely, click on Books from the Resources Type menu on the correct.

To limit results to print books from a particular campus, Parham, Downtown or Goochland, click on the specific campus link from the Library carte du jour on the right.

You can search for words in theAuthor/creator,Title, orSubject fields by using the menu from the Avant-garde search screen.

Advanced Search Screen:

  1. When viewing the results listing or detailed record for an particular, online articles, eBooks and streaming videos will be indicated by anOnline admissionorFull Text Availablelink. Click on these links to view the online resource.

  1. If yous are accessing an eBook fromProQuest Ebook Centralfrom bothon and off campus, y'all volition be prompted with an Institution Proper name menu. SelectJ. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, then click on the Continue button.

  1. If you are accessing eBooks or other cloth from a library database fromoff-campus and sometimes on-campus, you volition be prompted with a Virginia'due south Community Colleges login screen. Login with yourMy Reynolds username & password..

When viewing the result list, physical items ( thousand., print books, DVDs) will include the following information: the specific campus that holds the particular, the specific collection where the particular is located, and the Library of Congress (LC) telephone call number which indicates where the item is located on the shelf.  If items are available (not checked out), they volition be indicated by Available at.

Items checked out will exist indicated by Checked out from.

If a physical particular is already checked out (indicated by Checked out from), y'all can request that the item be held for you when it is returned to the library by using theRequest itemoption. Y'all tin can also utilize the Request item option to have an already available item transferred to another campus library for pickup.

ane. To request the item, click on the particular title from the results list to view the detailed record.

two. When the detailed tape appears, click on Sign in nether the Asking Particular section.

3. When the Virginia'due south Customs Colleges login screen appears, sign in with your My Reynolds username and password.

4. After you lot sign in and are brought back to the detailed records screen, click on Request.

five. When the Request Item window appears, click on the downwardly arrow from thePickup Location menu. When the bill of fare appears, select the campus you lot would like to option upward the book from so click on the Asking push.


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